Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Bittersweet Night

A night of hope, change, and sheer joy has overshadowed a sad ruling. California voted yes on proposition 8, to ban gay-marriage. I don't understand the intolerance and insecurity of some people in this country.

Some people say that gay-marriage will "devalue" the institution of marriage. What does that mean? How? You are basically saying, "WE can have this constitutional right, but YOU can't." What happened to the equality that this country was founded on?

Some people say that it's their belief that gays shouldn't marry because of their religion. Fine. Churches have the right to refuse ceremonies of marriage for gays. But marriage is not only a religious institution. It is the constitutional right as an American citizen that ANYONE can marry. Gays should be allowed to AT LEAST marry in court. People, we have this little thing called, "Separation of church and state."

Some people believe that gays choose to be so and that it is a sin. There is no where in the bible that states being gay is a sin. Jesus Christ never said anything about marriage being between a man and a woman, some old farts who wrote the bible did. Gays don't choose to be gay. No one would choose a lifestyle under so much scrutiny. Ask any gay person, they will not tell you that they chose the lifestyle.

To anyone who believes gay marriage should not exist, it's going to happen. It is a constitutional right to be married, regardless of sexual orientation. You cannot have an election challenging a Constitutional right, and this will be argued in court for years until the people in government finally have the balls to admit that it is their right as Americans to marry, just like politicians finally let women and blacks votes those many years ago...and look where it has taken us. We now have our first black president and I couldn't be prouder to have voted in this election an be a part of this historical moment in America.

Wake up people. Gays are people too, and they deserve every right that heterosexuals do.

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